Calendar of Events

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

Children’s Challenging Behaviors

*Hosted by NAMI Coastal Virginia A FREE class for parents of children with mental health needs (ages 16 and under). Three 2-hour classes Online via Zoom, Dec. 1st & 3rd […]

Yoga for Chronic Pain & Stress

This form of practice is especially good for those experiencing joint & back pain, overwhelming stress, inflammation, Auto-Immune Disorders, digestive issues/IBS. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom […]

Children’s Challenging Behaviors

*Hosted by NAMI Coastal Virginia A FREE class for parents of children with mental health needs (ages 16 and under). Three 2-hour classes Online via Zoom, Dec. 1st & 3rd […]

Finding the Joy Within

Learn strategies to increase your inner joy. Develop support with shifting your mindset from seeking joy externally (through other individuals and experiences) to seeking joy internally. Find ways to boost […]

Yoga for Anxiety & Insomnia

This form of practice is especially good for those experiencing restlessness, frazzled nerves, depletion in energy, lack of sleep, feelings of tension & stress. All programming will be provided via […]

Emotional Intelligence

Define emotional intelligence and what it means to be emotionally intelligent. Explore the benefits of having emotional intelligence while also examining the risk factors associated wit a lack of emotional […]

Navigating Challenging Emotions

Strong emotions can be overwhelming to experience and can result in suppression of feelings. Learn how to sit with challenging emotions while making optimal decisions and strengthening your relationship with […]

Finding Purpose & Meaning

Although life purpose is different for everyone, it influences behaviors and goals. Lack of purpose of meaning often results in feeling stuck. Explore tips to help you find meaning, purpose […]

Yoga for Chronic Pain & Stress

This form of practice is especially good for those experiencing joint & back pain, overwhelming stress, inflammation, Auto-Immune Disorders, digestive issues/IBS. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom […]

Holidays from the Heart

*Hosted by Jan Weintraub, longtime resident of Virginia Beach with over 20 years of experience working with individuals and families as a school counselor. • This session will focus on […]


Check out this week’s classes to help you navigate the holidays: You Redefined, Letting Go of Perfectionism Self-Care Time-Management Mindfulness

You Redefined, Letting Go of Perfectionism

Discussion to debunk the myth that everything needs to be perfect. Understanding how perfectionism can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression.  Learn how to accept yourself as you are and […]