Calendar of Events

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

Information Session: How to Empower and Advocate for Self

To be powerless involves not having a voice and say. Self-advocacy involves having the ability to speak up for yourself about issues that affect your well-being. Advocating for one’s self […]

Information Session: Depression

Learn how to recognize symptoms of depression, the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, learn effective strategies to manage depressive symptomology and discuss evidenced based treatment methods. All programming will […]

Strengthening Your Support System

Develop an understanding of how to ask for support, when you need it, and learn which individuals are in your corner. Learn additional ways that the VBSC team can support […]

Understanding Anxiety

Learn how to recognize the behavioral, cognitive, psychological, and physical symptoms of anxiety. Learn coping strategies and explore various treatment modalities. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom […]

You Redefined, Letting Go of Perfectionism

Discussion to debunk the myth that everything needs to be perfect. Understanding how perfectionism can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression. Learn how to accept yourself as you are and […]

Yoga for Fatigue, Depression, & Mental Focus

This form of practice is especially good for those experiencing low energy, stiffness/achy muscles, lack of focus, grief, depression, desire for movement. All programming will be provided via WebEx or […]

Yoga for Chronic Pain & Stress

This form of practice is especially good for those experiencing joint & back pain, overwhelming stress, inflammation, Auto-Immune Disorders, digestive issues/IBS. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom […]

Healthy Eating Habits for Improved Mood

A balanced diet can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.  It can also increase energy levels, and improve concentration. Learn strategies to improve diet and overall wellness. All programming will […]

Yoga for Anxiety & Insomnia

This form of practice is especially good for those experiencing restlessness, frazzled nerves, depletion in energy, lack of sleep, feelings of tension & stress. All programming will be provided via […]

Healthy You Series: Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep habits improve well-being, promotes mental clarity, and increases productivity. Participants are encouraged to create an individualized sleep hygiene plan to increase relaxation and optimize restful and restorative sleep. […]


Learn the benefits of journaling and how to implement journaling as a means to actively reduce stress, promote mindfulness, and increase overall relaxation. All programming will be provided via WebEx […]

Exploring the Authentic Self

“If you don't know who you truly are, you'll never know what you really want.” Roy T. Bennett To be your authentic self means what you say in life aligns with […]