Calendar of Events

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

Stress Management 103

This is part 3 of a 3-part series about stress. Stress interventions, benefits of mindfulness, relaxation techniques, physiological arousal interventions, behavior change interventions, and specific applications (work relationships, and stages […]

Destress @ Your Desk

Join us for a mid-day practice. Through pranayama (breath work) and asana (movement) learn to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind, reduce feelings of anxiety, and reduce […]

Coping with Anxiety and Stress During COVID-19

Frustrated with disruptions to normal daily life?  Learn strategies to effectively cope with symptoms of anxiety and stress while working from home. Create a daily plan for taking care of yourself […]