Calendar of Events

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

Information Session: PTSD

Increase understanding of Post-Traumatic Disorder (PTSD), learn to recognize symptoms, learn coping strategies, and explore treatment options. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!

Strategies for Efficient Time Management

Effective time-management skills not only increase productivity and focus, but also lowers stress. Learn strategies to create structure and organization in your daily schedule. Participants will create a daily schedule based on newly learned strategies. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in […]

Creating Life Balance

Finding a work life balance goes beyond scheduling. Learn how mindfulness can help you to achieve balance in all areas of life and increase life satisfaction. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!

You Redefined, Letting Go of Perfectionism

Discussion to debunk the myth that everything needs to be perfect. Understanding how perfectionism can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression.  Learn how to accept yourself as you are and implement self-love, to support you with finding life balance. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being […]

Zumba Kids

Join VBSC for a fun, interactive way to increase connection with your child, engage in self-expression, reduce feeling of stress, practice mindfulness, and engage in purposeful movement that promotes physical fitness. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to […]


Through pranayama (breath work) and asana (movement) learn to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind, reduce feelings of anxiety, and reduce stress while increasing flexibility, muscle strength, and cardiovascular health. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click […]

Meditation for Compassion

A guided meditation practice to increase self-compassion, awareness of present moment, improve skills to manage stress, reduce negative emotions, and to gain a new perspective. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!

Healthy Eating Habits for Improved Mood

A balanced diet can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety.  It can also increase energy levels, and improve concentration. Learn strategies to improve diet and overall wellness. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!

Healthy You Series: Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep habits improve well-being, promotes mental clarity, and increases productivity. Participants will create an individualized sleep hygiene plan to increase relaxation and optimize restful and restorative sleep. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!

Understanding Trauma

Reactions to trauma can be much different than expected. Learn how trauma impacts health, behaviors, relationships, work, and other aspects of life. Learn strategies to promote healing and recovery. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!

Understanding Compassion Fatigue

Caregivers, service providers, and employees in high-stress fields can experience compassion fatigue due to repeated exposure to trauma. Learn the signs, symptoms, and strategies to prevent it. All programming will be provided via WebEx or Zoom platforms.  Registration is required prior to being provided the log in information. Click HERE to register now!