Calendar of Events

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email

To register for any event, please call 757-507-7200 or email


Through pranayama (breath work) and asana (movement) learn to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind, reduce feelings of anxiety, and reduce stress while increasing flexibility, muscle strength, […]

Resiliency Series: Crushing Self-Limiting Beliefs

You can’t believe everything you think. Explore how self-limiting beliefs filter world view. Learn how behaviors can reinforce these inaccurate perceptions making them harder to detect. Discuss how they impact […]

The Healthy You Series: Reclaiming Inner Sense of Safety

After a traumatic event, safety is often your main concern and the hardest to establish. Learn strategies to increase feelings of safety within yourself in and your environment. All programming […]